
Sunday, November 6, 2011

La Luz De Jesus 25th years

La Luz De Jesus Art Gallery celebrates it's 25th year anniversary and release of their book featuring some of the most groundbreaking Lowbrow/ popsurealist artists. My friends Ashley, her husband Scott, Tammy and I viewed the second installment of the 25th anniversary show.
Tammy and I
Random shots of the show.
Random shots of the show featuring Steven Daily's "Benevolent"
More Random shots
"Honey Bees" by Karen Hsiao and "Dr. Glaxo" by Chris Mars
"Mean Streets" by Van Soro
Stumped by Ana Bagayan oil on wood
"Lunacy" by Jessica Dalva Mixed media in wooden drawer
"Taste Like Tears" acrylic Caia Koopman
"Beloved" by Marion Peck Oil on panel with Lucite and mixed media
"The inevitable Change" by Bob Dob oil on canvas
"sacred Heart" by Mark Ryden graphite on paper
"Yellow Fever in New Orleans" by John de Fazio glazed ceramics
"Three Wasps" by Matjames Metson Mixed medial assemblage
"Keeping the Nibbles at Bay by Miss Mindy Mixed media
"Collector of the Dead" by Jasmine Worth oil on masonite
"And a Time of Darkness Bestows its Muse by Lyle Motley oil on panel
"Man with the Anal Eyes by Elizabeth Mcgrath animatronics and mixed media

1 comment:

Hilary said...

What a cool art exhibit! You look beautiful!